Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Foxygen - Shuggie

Foxygen are an American indie rock duo formed in Westlake Village, California by Jonathan Rado and Sam France.  Both aged just 22 years old, it appears they have raided their parents' record collections for influences and have taken bits from everyone and everywhere to create something rather wonderful. 

Shuggie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7NKPvosj0A&feature=relmfu is currently available free to download and is a taster of what is to come when they release their album, We Are The 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic, early in 2013. 

Shuggie, and a couple of other tracks I have listened to by the duo, are a delightful mishmash of styles, genres and tempos that can sound confusing at first but with repeated listenings, can be quite liberating.  They don't quite fit into any pigeonhole and yet you can hear shades of almost anyone in there.  For example, they have been likened at times to retro 60s French pop, The Kinks, Bowie, Lou Reed and The Monkees... don't believe it?  Well, listen for yourself.   My guess is that we will all hear something different in there. 

Foxygen are certainly interesting.  Whether they can hold it all together for a full album remains to be seen but for now, I have popped this little gem onto my iPod and look forward to it brightening my day. 

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